How to make your own links page in 4 easy steps in Showit.

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If you’re using a Link Tree as a catch-all for your website’s important links… There’s a better way.

In this blog, we’re going to talk about why relying on Link Tree (or any other third party platform) might not be the best move for your brand and how creating your own links page is the way to go and how it can enhance your online presence.

Okay cool, now that we got that intro out of the way. Here’s the deal.

If you have a website you don’t need to be using a link tree. Period.

And I’ll tell you why.

Here’s why you shouldn’t be using a Link Tree if you own a website.

  • They can get confusing if you use too many links (you really shouldn’t have more than 5 anyway)
  • They’re likely not on brand unless you’re using a paid version (even then it’s still not that great)
  • You don’t own it and it’s taking traffic away from your website (booo).

The idea of a link tree is great, all the important links in one convenient spot but you can easily make your own links page on your own website.

And its actually really easy to do! Not to mention 100% customizable to your exact branding.

By having a page on your website dedicated to all your important links you’re driving that initial traffic of curious people who click on the link in your bio to your actual website, instead of having them get pushed to a third party platform like Linktree.

Here’s why you should be utilizing a links page on your website instead of a Link Tree.

Creating your own links page for your website instead of using Link Tree is giving people the opportunity to:

  • Actually land on your website
  • Scroll and sick around for a bit

Both of which are great for SEO.

And I don’t know if you know this, and I’ll be the first one to let you know if you don’t- The more people that visit your website, the better.

But it also keeps your brand experience cohesive at every step beyond the ‘gram. Which we definitely want.

So! Now that we’ve established why we want to ditch the Link Tree…

Let’s get you started on making your very own links page.

Here’s how to make your own links page in 4 easy steps in Showit.

(I’m a Showit girly but you can definitely do this on any website building platform in a similar way.)

STEP ONE: Add a new page to your website.

STEP TWO: Name it “links” “link in bio” “quick links” whatever you want.

STEP THREE: Add your link buttons and design your page to match your branding.

STEP FOUR: Publish that bad boy & add your new links page URL to your Instagram.

I’m telling you, it really is that simple.

Depending on how crazy you want to get with it, it should only take about 5 – 10 minutes to do!

But here’s the fun part about making your own links page – you don’t have to stop at just links.

You could think about it as a “mini website”, an appetizer to the main meal, if you will… and include a little extra information to keep the people scrolling longer – aka spend more time on your website.

Here’s a couple ideas of what else you can add to your links page.

  • A quick highlight of your services
  • A mini about
  • An opt in to your email list
  • Add some branded images and really customize the crap out of it to make it your own.

While the idea of a Link Tree is great it’s actually hurting you more than helping.

Creating your own links page on your website is super easy to set up and keeps all that traffic where it should be—on your site.

This way, your brand stays consistent and you’ve got full control over how things look and feel.

Plus, a personal links page is great for SEO, since more visits to your site are always a win.

So, ditch the Link Tree, get your own links page set up and keep those visitors scrolling and engaging right where you want them!

May 11, 2024
Date published

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