8 Essential Elements Every Homepage Needs: A Guide to Designing Your Homepage

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As a brand and website designer, I’ve seen my fair share of homepages – the good, the bad, and the downright…. well, confusing.

Your homepage is often the first impression potential clients have of your business, so it’s crucial to make it count.

But what exactly should you include to make your homepage work its magic?

Let’s break down the 8 essential elements every homepage needs to convert visitors into clients.

1. Clear, Compelling Headline

Your headline is the first thing visitors see, and it needs to pack a punch. It should clearly communicate what you do and the value you provide. Think of it as your elevator pitch in one sentence.

Pro Tip: Focus on the benefit to your client, not just what you do.

2. Subheadline Explaining What You Do

While your headline grabs attention, your subheadline provides context. Use this space to elaborate on your headline and give a quick overview of your services or products.

Example: Headline: “Designs That Speak Louder Than Words” Subheadline: “We create brand identities and websites that tell your story and connect with your ideal clients.”

3. Strong Call-to-Action (Above the Fold)

Don’t make visitors hunt for ways to engage with you. Place a clear, compelling call-to-action (CTA) “above the fold” – the area visible without scrolling.

Best Practice: Use action-oriented language like “Get Started,” “Book a Call,” or “View Our Work.” Make sure your CTA stands out visually from the rest of the page.

4. Brief Explanation of Your Services/Products

Give visitors a quick overview of what you offer. This doesn’t need to be exhaustive – you can link to more detailed service pages for those who want to learn more.

Tip: Use icons or small images to make this section visually appealing and easy to scan.

5. Social Proof

Nothing builds trust like social proof. Include testimonials, client logos, or case study snippets to show potential clients that you’re the real deal.


  • Rotate testimonials to keep the page fresh
  • Include headshots with testimonials for added authenticity
  • Showcase logos of well-known clients or publications you’ve been featured in

6. Mini About Section or Brand Story Snippet

People connect with stories and personalities. Include a brief “About” section or snippet of your brand story to help visitors get to know you.

Pro Tip: Keep it focused on how your story benefits your clients. What unique perspective or approach do you bring to your work?

7. Recent Blog Posts or Resources

Showcase your expertise and provide value by featuring recent blog posts or free resources. This also helps with SEO and encourages visitors to spend more time on your site.

Best Practice: Limit this to 3-4 recent or popular posts to avoid overwhelming visitors.

8. Contact Information or Contact Form

Make it easy for potential clients to get in touch.

Include your contact information or a simple contact form. If you have a physical location, consider adding your address and a map.

Tip: If you use a contact form, keep it short and sweet. Name, email, and message are often enough for initial contact, if you need or want more specific details ask specific questions!

Bringing It All Together

Remember, while these elements are essential, how you implement them matters. Keep these web design tips in mind:

  • Maintain a clean, uncluttered design
  • Ensure your page loads quickly
  • Make your site mobile-responsive
  • Use high-quality, on-brand visuals
  • Keep your copy concise and benefit-focused

Your homepage is your digital storefront – make it inviting, informative, and aligned with your brand.

By including these 8 essential elements, you’ll create a homepage that not only looks great but also helps converts visitors into clients.

August 30, 2024
Date published

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